Monday, August 16, 2004

Life's Another Beach . . .

Yesterday I spent most of the day at a different beach, this time in the ancient Greek town of Naxos. It is Greek in origin, not located in Greece, by the way. It's actually just up the Sicilian coast, again below Taormina. Imagine a glorious, clear blue sky and glorious clear blue water, a light breeze, a sandy beach, sun, and three friends. Then throw in fabulous views in all directions, a sand bar you can walk on 300 yards from the beach, lots of beautiful people, a few crying babies, private canvas chairs (each with their own little awning), umbrellas, tables, vendors, and perfect water temperature. Add in two restaurants on this beach, private restrooms and showers, cold beer, "grattini" (Italian-style homemade "slushies"), rum coolers, and then pizza, pasta, tablecloths and real silverware, more beer, more sun, and maybe a few postcards on the way out. And only 5 Euros for the beach this time. Wow! That's about $6 for the whole day. I wonder if one can rent a "beach apartment" for the summer, like folks did for skiing in the Alps in winter? Hmmmmm. Something to consider.


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